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What I learned this week...

I know, I know, I said I would write frequently but for some reason that just doesn't seem to happen. I blame the dog. No seriously, I blame the dog since he keeps eating all my shoes, bra's, underwear and whatever house plants I have left. I spend most of my time chasing him and cleaning up after him that I have no time left to write my thoughts down. Shame on you for thinking it was an excuse with no merit.

But on to the purpose of my post...

What I learned this week (and from last week as well since I forgot to post) is that:

1. No matter how much education you have or how much you know, someone will make you feel extremely stupid regularly.

2. While I am not observant in the least, sometimes this can be a good thing.

3. There are still nice good guys out there (thought it should be said since I met one and he has clued me in onto the fact that he reads my blog!).

4. Even though you love family unconditionally, this doesn't mean that you don't what to hit them with a large stick.

5. THE MOST IMPORTANT: I thought that I was pretty good at playing it cool when I didn't necessarily like someone, but as it turns out it is more than obvious even to people who are less observant than me. Uh oh!

And so life goes on....

posted by Sonya @ 11/12/2010 03:40:00 PM,


At November 18, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I wanted to say that with statement number 5, seems like someone gave u a clue because you couldn't find one on your own. You are that good at hiding things. That was another clue for you. lol It's your lucky day. :) And Jeremy sent you a question on the whole thought to ponder thing and still hasn't received an answer. What's up with that? P.s. while I am not working and have nothing to do, you need to post more.


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