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Yes...The correct choice

It is not often that we know for sure whether our decisions were the correct ones or not. I however know that long ago I did make the correct choice. In a previous post written many years ago, I wondered if my thoughts and reasons from so long ago were on the right path. And now, as I look back, I know I made the right choice.

He was my person. My person to confide in and turn to. He was my person that anchored me when life wanted to sweep me away.

The correct choice

Today, he is my anchor and the one I turn to for advice and run to lick my wounds whatever they may be. He is happily married to a wonderful woman and he has the life that he always wanted. I am happy for him.

Today like so many years ago, I have my best friend and my person who is my anchor. I could have lost him all those years ago had I decided to take the other path.

Even given what might have been, I would not have it any other way and I am thankful that he is still in my life.

posted by Sonya @ 4/27/2010 11:37:00 AM,


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