What are the odds..
Friday, September 17, 2010
In a sad way, I find this whole situation so very funny. First, I have spent years of my life not dating or having any relationships that might in some even small way interfere with my schooling. I have been so focused on my research for 6+ years and preparing for a strong future in science that I have not even seriously considered a particular person. I have planned and plotted on who and what I wanted to be. I have a vision of a successful and productive scientist, running a lab and bringing in grants to further my career.
The funny thing is that now that have time to actually date and put effort into some sort of relationship. But now I find guys that want me to stay home and take care of them. The humor is not in the beliefs of these guys but more in the fact that they find me. ME. Of all the people they could meet, they find me and want to change me. They want a woman that will stay home and turn into something I have never even thought of being. Me. Someone who wants to learn and grow on a daily basis. Me. To stay home and plan and cook their meals and focus all my energy on them. Me. To cook and clean and wash clothes with nothing else to stimulate my mind. Me. To mother them and their children. I am supposed to feel like this is all that I could want and value this above all else. Someone like me when I have spent more of my life outside relationships than in relationships.
I find it funny that of all the women that these guys could choose, they choose me. Of all the women that they could meet and want to be that person, they find me.
I find it disturbing that in some way they think I could be this person. It's as if they haven't heard a word I have ever spoken. It's like I'm not even there.
What are the odds that they find me. I find it funny. How could you not.
posted by Sonya @ 9/17/2010 08:32:00 PM,