Frustation with guys and expectations...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
As like so many times in the past, I find myself dating the wrong guy.
So I ask you. At what point do you wake up and realize that he is not the right person for you?
For me, I think I realize this point when we have a very pivotal conversation about future expectations and my role as a woman. By this I mean, he states that in the near future there will be children and I am expected to stay home for multiple years to raise these future children. My problem is not the staying home but more the expectation that my life will go on hold while his will not. This may not be a problem for most women, but for me this will drastically and negatively impact what I have worked so hard for. Not to mention, I don't even think I want children. But somehow this was excluded from the conversation. So I find myself fighting with an imaginary husband over imaginary children and somehow I am losing. What happened to full partnership and working through problems together instead of gender roles and traditional expectations. Isn't it obvious that I am not a traditional woman and I do not recognize any designated roles? I suppose this is more a rant on why we move forward in time and still move backwards in what is expected from women.
So, here I am once again deciding to abstain from dating. I am hoping in 10 yrs or so things will have improved. Till then, I enjoy the cats and dog.
posted by Sonya @ 9/14/2010 11:01:00 AM,
- At September 15, 2010 at 6:44 PM, said...
Sorry I haven't read your blogs for awhile.
But given I'm the one person that should be giving advise about goes...
Don't settle!!
You have worked too hard and too long to get where you are. Don't feel the need to have kids or let SOME GUY talk you into things that you aren't sure of. Tell him to be the MOMMY.
Tell him you can't have kids. That should shut him up for awhile. Tell him it's a touchy subject and you don't want to talk about it. It should buy you a couple of months or maybe years.
Sarah - At September 15, 2010 at 6:45 PM, said...
Sorry I haven't read your blogs for awhile.
But given I'm the one person that should be giving advise about goes...
Don't settle!!
You have worked too hard and too long to get where you are. Don't feel the need to have kids or let SOME GUY talk you into things that you aren't sure of. Tell him to be the MOMMY.
Tell him you can't have kids. That should shut him up for awhile. Tell him it's a touchy subject and you don't want to talk about it. It should buy you a couple of months or maybe years.