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The correct choice....

This man. He knows her. He knew her when she was young trying to figure out who she was. He knew her when she made her 100th mistake with all those other guys. The amazing guy that he was, stood by her when she was growing into the person she was going to be. They shared a love. This love was not the passion-filled days and nights type of love, but it was love that made a person feel as if you mattered. A feeling that no matter what life throws at you, you would be OK, together. He was her rock when she felt that the world was spinning to fast and she was losing her hold. They were young.

The story began like any other story. They met through a common friend. This friend was someone they both liked, but upon meeting, they just seemed to have an instant connection. Many of those early afternoons were spent talking about anything and everything. As the afternoons passed, they became closer and those deep dark secrets that she kept had a way of working to the surface. He understood her. He let her feel that she had a right to feel the way she did. No one had ever let her feel that way. She felt like she was home.

You may think this is a love story where they celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary together.

This is not the case. You may say it is her fault that they did not end up together in the beautiful end. But, you must first understand one thing. She could not lose him. Life is not fair and she did not win very often. This she understood and accepted. When you are young, those loves rarely last like in the fairy book-endings. The real world shows two people who love each other on a level far removed from many people. But everyday life slowly takes that way until a flash forward ahead many years later shows them in totally new lives without one another.

This she couldn't bare. She had so few people that she could hold on to that this was not going to be one of her mistakes. So, the only possible thing to do was keep him in the place that they started out in, never exploring the possibilities.

So was she right or was she wrong? How can one really tell what the future holds and to know if those mistakes are really mistakes. If she could tell you now of that decision, she probably would say, it is better to know for sure than to always wonder.

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posted by Sonya @ 3/18/2007 11:18:00 AM,


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