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Sex and Beliefs

There is a lot of debate going on Melody's blog (here) talking about Desi girls and sex. This actually started here with Sakshi's blog about India and sex. As we see often enough in reality, people believe their views are being attacked, when they really are not. Everyone has views, and if you are an intelligent person, you will respect other views even if you do not believe in them. This is a part of the requirements to sit at the big kids table. But in so many cases, someone will talk over you, tell you that it's wrong to think that... but they are wrong in doing that.

Our thoughts make us who we are. Our experiences and family life, molds us into the people that we are, good or bad. It is only through opening your ears and minds that you can begin to grow as a person. We must accept what other people believe, whether we want to or not, just because it is the polite thing to do. What happened to common courtesy and respecting your fellow man? What happened to treat others as you would be treated? This includes listening to others when they talk and....respectfully discussing differences in opinions. It also includes leaving the arrogance at home, as well as, the condescending tone to others that do not think the way you do.

But with all that......somewhere along the lines.....the idea got left behind.

With this topic, family values bring out a passion in people that many subjects do not. I was raised to always give value to others opinions. And this, I always try to do. The idea of sex and culture will forever be intertwined. I believe that we (as a world, not a country) should teach abstinence, but also teach how to protect. Many years ago, pregnancy was the worst thing that could happen. Today...death is! I will stand toe-to-toe and argue heatedly with anyone that says we need to go to Africa and teach them about abstinence. On that front, I think these people are naive and blindly following the cost to others. AIDS is ravaging that country and children and adults are dying alike. There are times when you must face reality and fight the problem with a clear head.

For those of you who have never seen what AIDS can do, you can't possibly imagine the emotional roller coaster ride that you experience. You can't possibly imagine how hard it is when the people you love most are falling apart as they watch family die. There is hope with most do not necessarily sign that death is not the case with AIDS. You are and will die....not options. Until you watch someone waste away until there is no life left, even as they breathe, you cannot possibly understand.

There may have been an excuse to play ignorant 30 years ago, was mistake..... but now it is due to stupidity. To stand by faith instead of informing people who have less than everyone else without giving them what they need most.....KNOWLEDGE.....then you are a fool.

If people are so secure in their beliefs, then what does it matter to tell both sides of the story? By only telling what you think, you do yourself and your beliefs a disservice. By being informed of all sides, people are able to make intelligent decisions that best fits them. Teaching about abstinence, as well as, protecting yourself makes a more educated world and could save lives. If we want to help people, we should all start with opening our minds and letting opposing opinions in to make a more well-rounded view about all cultures, not just our own.

I think that the general message that was trying to be expressed got lost in those other blogs. Many of us believe that all sides should be told, regardless of religious beliefs. That was the point that was trying to come to light. All beliefs are valuable.....none more than others.

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posted by Sonya @ 2/22/2007 02:57:00 PM,


At February 22, 2007 at 3:36 PM, Blogger Sakshi said...

Well said.
I think if all involved preach the complete story, we all will be in a happy place :)

At February 22, 2007 at 5:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Took me a while to read those blogs n the million comments for each. But in the end I totally agree with you. People have different beliefs, and as much as I wish they would believe in what I believe (because only what I believe is true, of course) it ain't gonna happen. What each person thinks is important for herself/himself. But everyone should make a knowledgeable decision based on all facts, be it a decision about sex or anything else for that matter.

At February 23, 2007 at 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Sakshi--

I wanted to comment on what you stated in Mel's blog...I don't mind giving you my email because I would like to know more about the Christian community in India and what you state, I would like to know what you have experienced.

Yet, I know that my church practices evangelism/sharing their faith/teaching scripture in all their church here locally and in India and they do it the same across the world...Chicago, Detroit...Bangalore...Moscow …Highlands of Papua New Genuine…no special emphasis anywhere...

Hugs from Detroit! TGIF!

At February 23, 2007 at 12:34 PM, Blogger Sonya said...

@ Kate --
I think you have me confused with Sakshi. This is Sonya. I am an American living in America. I don't know anything about the Christian community in
India. What I do know is that Christians here are trying to 'save' people in India for your beliefs.

At February 23, 2007 at 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

@Kate From Detriot -
I think Sonya corrected your misconception. The Church do preach everywhere. But why not work in your community and help numerous people in ghetto/ community living find a place in life?Why go to another country with a perfectly well-established faith system and change their way of thinking?
I have no problems with someone finding "God". But when someone knocks on my door and then argues with me about how I have not found peace until I have found "him" - I loose it.
You are entitled to your religion/faith/ belief. But why do you insist on changing the other person? I have seen the good a church community can do - why can't it be for the sake of humanity? Why is it associated with changing the other person's faith? I don't seriously understand why only following one way can save a soul.


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