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10 Things You Shouldn't Do In The First 10 Minutes.....

It's funny that so many guys do so many things wrong in those first ten minutes that take you out of the running for good. Here are 10 things that you should never do in those first few minutes...

10. You're Late! - If I can get here on time...and I have should get here on time. It is very annoying and sets a bad vibe for the date.

9. Tell me about your ex --I understand you probably had someone before me (even though some of you may seem like a virgin)....I don't need to know everything about her...I am not trying to date her...and now not you either...

8. Share intimate details about your childhood - Some things are better with suspense...(like how long this $#@& date will last)!

7. Give many, many compliments because 'Dating for Dummy's' said to do it - News flash, many girls can see right through this...especially when you don't know them.....Yes my shirt is nice, thanks....yes my hair is cute, thanks.....yeah, my teeth are white, thanks for these are not new shoes.....would you like a run-down on anything else or can I look at my menu now?

6. Ask thought provoking questions to show you are a deep person - It is ok to take time to get to do don't have to ask all the questions in the beginning like you are laying out the itinerary for the conversation for the next hour....God, Meaning of life, Psychology, World should probably check that off your list on the 6:00-7:00 time slot so we don't repeat topics...

5. Look passing women up and down as they walk if you are trying to pick out a dessert plate - As it turns out...I can see you do this when it occurs....It's not the Joey card trick, like on friends where he thinks it happens so fast it can't be detected with the naked eye. I...Can....See...You.....

4. Try to hold my hand - Turns out that I can still talk without someone physically touching me...this is creepy....get off me! I don't jab well with my left please let go of the right.

3. Ask me sexual questions - Yup...guys will ask personal questions to people they don't really the beginning....this is very will be dismissed! What turns me on? The guy sitting behind you...well, you asked!!

2. List the qualities that you think your mother and I have in common - (seriously...cut the cord...I'm starting to trip on it!!). I do NOT think it is endearing to hear about your mother...I am sure she is great....I'm sure she would like me....but now....she will never meet me...way to go jackass!

1. Adjust yourself - Girls know you have a 'package' need to show it off so soon. Unless it is stuck to your back...I don't care to know about it.


posted by Sonya @ 1/28/2007 02:08:00 PM,


At January 28, 2007 at 2:46 PM, Blogger Sakshi said...

How about sitting next to you as close as possible?
or at the movies, trying to cope a feel?
Or sexual innuendoes.. that is a turn off.. Or pray

Btw - ROTFLMAO on the #1 - Adjusting your package.........

Now follow up with top10 excuses to runn off on a date :)

At February 2, 2007 at 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats a lot to do in the first ten minutes. When I used to date, I just remember asking for some gas money.....

At February 2, 2007 at 4:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and look, about number ten! Look you don't have one (or two for that matter), if it (they) is (are) "stuck," imagine the equivalent. Lobsters clawing you under you bra.

Jeez. Sorry underwear evolution hasn't come to the status you would like it to have. I suggest you direct this to the CEO of Hanes, not blame the guy!

Back me up on this one Big Sky!


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