Does Size Matter?
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Disclaimer....This subject material is not for my mother or virgins.....if either, please stop reading will think differently of me and/or guys after this blog!
My friends and I have had this conversation many times. Why is size important and where do we draw the line? Figuratively of one liked my ruler and the actual mark idea. I kinda like the idea of having a sign that says you must be this tall to ride this ride. Kinda works if you think about it. But never the less, we all find reasons to be for and against this size issue. But...ultimately it comes down to...Do want to cuddle? or do you want to...(I think you know where this is going).
Many of my guy friends proclaim that it has nothing to do with the size, but how you use it. To put it gently, 'it's not the size of the boat, but the motion of the ocean'.
To this I always have to reply...'but it's hard to get to England in a row boat'!
So guys out there, how many adult videos have large writing showing off little winkies (no pun intended). Do you really want the girls to say, "oh, how cute"? I think not. So why get so offended and proclaim that size doesn't matter.
Now, before you all go off and get mad at me, here is my logic.
There are some things in this world that are better when they are bigger. Just answer this....Do you stand in line at the hotdog vendor for endless minutes only to get up to the front of the line and ask for a snausage? I didn't think so. Nope, me neither. I think you can probably relate the analogy without me having to explain that one.
So, fellas out there that think this pertains to need to get upset... it's not like I'm asking you to wear a badge to eliminate false advertising.....unless of course you think it'll work!!. Never mind, that can wait. Back to the topic.
Girls have this expectation. For some reason, many make the decision on the relationship just by that first 'encounter'. Guys, right now she is asking herself.."could I do this for the rest of my life?". If you got the moves, you are in the maybe category, but if you fail in the moves and you are not quite up to snuff in the are definitely gone before she can find her underwear.
I have to admit, that there are a small group of girls that will profess that the 'goods' don't matter. So why is this???
So why do so many girls say that it doesn't matter? That is actually a very easy one to answer. It seems that the only ones that say ''no, it doesn't matter" are of course the girls with little weeny boyfriends. Guys, it really isn't your fault. You really should go and talk with your parents and explain your situation. Tell them how your anatomy has hindered your ability to be the 'king cat' of the Serengeti. You really need to explain that it really is their fault and not yours.
So the point is, women have had this conversation time and time again. So fellas, if the girl says 'it doesn't matter', she's lying..... it does. And I'm sorry for your loss, she is obviously trying to make you feel better. But on a good note, you should keep her, she is loyal to you when most others will not be.
And of course, there are always extremes. I must also note the following....
To you big headed freaks out there (no pun intended)......yes, you can be to big. There are some things that should be saved for the circus and Hollywood, off you go now.
If you really think about it, you guys have a lot of pressure. All future intimacies are riding on this one thing....and you can't even control it.
So, good luck with that and sleep tight!
posted by Sonya @ 2/10/2007 12:49:00 AM,
- At February 10, 2007 at 11:22 AM, Sakshi said...
Yup. the only girls who say that size does not matter are one stuck with small weenies.
And if you are "huge", go into the porn industry.. coz that is "no way, jose" deal with most girls ;)
So guys.. no pressure .. - At February 10, 2007 at 11:24 AM, Sonya said...
Amen Sistah!! There seems to be a narrow window of opportunity (wink, wink, knudge, knudge) for these men.
I figured this would open some doors on interesting conversations. After our "thimble" discussion, something had to be said...
So Guys out there, what do you have to say????? - At February 10, 2007 at 11:24 PM, The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...
SUPERB!!! lol. :-)
. - At February 11, 2007 at 10:36 AM, Big Sky said...
Speaking for the otherside, when we say "no, sweety you look fine" what we are really thinking is "get those boobs fixed, get to the gym and go back to looking hot like when I met you".
You see, both sides hold a little back. But then again, I guess you are correct in saying size it a little weiner or small boobs and a big ass......
Thimbles anyone? anyone? - At February 12, 2007 at 11:09 PM, Sonya said...
@the girl from ipanema - thanks, had some interesting conversations with the 'girls' to go off of.
@big sky -- you are right in the fact that it goes both ways. However, I must point out that eventhough guys may remark and judge a girl by those qualities (small boobs and big ass),fact is at the end of the night, she is going home with somebody. So, being the scientist that I am, why don't test this little hypothesis. If say, we were to pick two people (man and woman)each wearing T-shirts listing their, let's say "disabilites" for everyone to see... how many women would say, "see the guy with the small penis that will most likely do absolutely nothing for me....I soooo want him", compared to a woman listing hers? I have a feeling that the small boobs and big fat ass will be bouncing around later and the snausage will be at home eating beans and franks ALONE(wink, wink, knudge, knudge). My friend, it simply comes down to drive. He can't drive and she's out riding! - At February 13, 2007 at 9:23 AM, Big Sky said...
Ah, but being the scientist that you are, you know that for an experiment to be valid, there has to be a control. So along with the advertised group, we need to have a double blind group.
I would just about bet that Mr. Tiny would be playing hide the weenie while the other test subject would be home, eating a tub of chocolate ice cream and getting romantic with BOB...(wink wink, nugde nudge)
But I will agree that given the two and knowning what you are getting before hand, the girl will always win....cause know.