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Too many ideas...only some were good!

I was a child that liked to invent or test ideas. I was a "doer". It just sucked that someone else had to do the "doing". I guess this is where I should apologize to my little sister. She was my partner in crime, but most often was the one that did the most regretting when it was all over and done with. Sarah...sorry about the cuts, bruises, broken collar bone, the near drownings, broken arm and all the other things I can't remember. One of the stories goes a little like this...

My big idea was to make a raft. You know...kinda Tom sawyer-like...floating down the river kind of rafts. The only difference, I didn't have a raft and I didn't have a river. However, I did have a pond and a big piece of Styrofoam. The plan was coming together. You see the genius slipping through....

First try..not so successful. Styrofoam couldn't really hold us. So, there had to be a way. After much searching...I found some empty plastic barrels. Genius ideas was coming together. I was going places (well maybe just in circles..but none the less...going somewhere). So, Styrofoam, 2 barrels and some rope. That should do it.

Well, Styrofoam on, tied to barrels and off little sister goes..

Big surprise that it didn't work. Little sis was able to fight her way back to shore...plan 2. Styrofoam needed support..only two barrels was not stable, needed stronger rope. Next....
Remedy to said problem.

4 barrels (one at each corner..duh...and plywood). The plywood would reinforce the Styrofoam.(don't know why I insisted in keeping the Styrofoam at this point) and tied the four barrels to the plywood. Off little sister goes.....

Nope, still didn't work...barrels wouldn't stay with it...little sister goes under....

Said sister says she's had enough...we had to scratch this set-up and start over. However, I never got the plans worked out ... new problem arises....

Mom found out...not too happy...plan scraped...(also where polio and hunchback issue came into play from earlier blog)....didn't go near the water again for a long time....

Epilogue..little sister ok...not so trusting of raft ideas...


posted by Sonya @ 1/28/2007 12:44:00 PM,


At January 28, 2007 at 2:18 PM, Blogger Sakshi said...

So you ised Sarah as a guinea pig? And she still loves you..*Amazing*

I think your mom must have dreaded every day with you outside.. Forget Calvin and hobbes.. you have a real life strip folks !!

At February 2, 2007 at 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds too easy that she was the only falling off...

And while you were doing your "modifications" she just sat there soaking wet?

Those couple of degrees that Hell went down on your earlier blog just went up...


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