The nerd competiton?
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
I can honestly say that I have always known that I was not quite in the 'cool' category. Although, I still think I was just misunderstood and possibly a late bloomer in the cool department...and yet, re-reading has made me thing that I could have possibly been wrong...
Our conversation seems to be a fight for the top spot in the nerd ratings...funny enough...I think I won this battle, but he seems to definitely be winning the war...'Him' it's all yours!!
HIM: I really enjoy your wit and smarts and various other "skills." You seem like a great person, despite your off the chart level of nerdiness...
ME: Thanks much...nice to see that you can hold your own....your wit is impressive. Despite nerdiness....what?.....maybe you should go back and look at your level...anyone with low levels would think you were speaking a foreign should be grateful that someone understands you.....
HIM: Flattery will get you nowhere...If you don't stab yourself or others, email me back.
ME: I know you are the typical boy that gets all giggly over a compliment and runs home to write it in your diary. I see right through you fooling me....I'm in college remember....I know everything!! (mental note: Hey, I wonder if that's why no one likes me???).
HIM: Remember 2 things: everyone likes you (think positive) because you are a "special" person. Second, I haven't giggled in a long 2 weeks - so there.
ME: at nerd camp...we strive to out due one nerdy event with the next. Last night tops the charts. To have a social gathering, we must make it an event. So how could we make nerd camp more nerdy? Well I am sure you came up with many ideas...but probably not has good as what took place. A ball you say....why yes we did have a ball. Now this wasn't just any ordinary ball, it was a costume ball. What? How could that be nerdy? Well, I'll tell you. This ball was not just an ordinary costume ball, it was an invertebrate costume ball....yep, you heard me right. We had to dress up as our favorite invertebrate (no vertebrates allowed at all) and then had a costume contest. Well our lab is more the partiers and not so much the costume type so we just all went as sea slugs and got it over with. We just needed to get into the door...we were not aiming for an prizes. Many many interesting things occurred last night. Anyway, I can honestly say that I was way, way out-nerded by these people. Don't get me wrong, I love science, but my god, these people need to get a hobby once and a while.
HIM: Wow - I think you just broke my nerd sensor. I need a moment to gather myself.
Oh, the nerdiness - a Sea Slug ball - where was the video camera and why am I not watching this on YouTube right now???!! I love how you try to make the distinction between the "other" nerds and yourself - I'm not buying it. I'm really amused by all the inter-partner drama, set against the international backdrop of reckless love - if Brazil and Germany can get together, then there is hope for the rest of the world!
ME: I thought you might enjoy that piece of for the separating myself....yes...there different classes in one big category....because I said so...
The ball....well, it is a good thing that there were no video camera's...I might never live that one down if there had been. Thank god for small miracles. It was quite an amusing night. The talk is still at a heightened level here at nerd camp about the things seen at the ball. Oh, boy do we need lives....
HIM: Back to my nerdiness, unfortunately, I would be one the dancing nerds - I'm not much of a fast-tempo dancer - Slow dancing I'm great at (because there isn't much to do) - I learned how to waltz at one time - I'm such an old man...I'm going to get my walker now and watch Matlock.
ME: It might be hard for you to move around with that cane, old man...and luckily they ALWAYS play Matlock episodes....don't worry, well get you some Dr. Scholls inserts for comfort and tape up all your joints before you attempt anything so daring as dancing..
HIM: You know, you should be ashamed of yourself for not having at least 3 kids by're setting back women's progress everywhere...
ME: First of all, I am only one woman trying to hold the world together...a little help would be nice...always first to point out the faults....but never willing to help a girl out...It's because I'm white isn't it?...damn! FYI, your clear lack of compassion of my situation makes baby Jesus cry-shame on you-
Furthermore, with the part of the population that is having the most kids, our children's children don't stand a chance of spelling their own name in the there...don't think it will be all my fault...we'll be lucky if some will be able to spell democracy.....
HIM: By the way, Rambo 4 is on the way to theaters (I think in the fall/winter of this year). You see, we have to look at 80's action movies as symbolic of the time period in which they were made. For example, in Rambo 2 or 3 (they're pretty much the same movie), Rambo teams up with an upstart group of "freedom fighters" to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan. Rambo teaches them the art of fighting and blowing stuff up - Now, these same "freedom fighters" are the ones launching rockets at American and NATO soldiers today. Rambo was just boldly predicting the vicious cycle created by American foreign policy. Its' foreshadowing of our current global troubles is just staggering. Right? And this isn't a justification to support a movie where stuff gets "blowed up real good."
ME: Interesting connection you made with the Rambo movies and current politics/strategy. I see something here...maybe we should not release the next one...we might be giving to much away. Possibly a Rambo film where he makes cookies for all the orphans and nits afghans all day?? That should get those guys launching the shoulder missiles to relax for a while. "Blowed up real good" bad....nice new hats for the villagers good...
Labels: Humor
posted by Sonya @ 8/01/2007 11:41:00 AM,