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All About Me (Tag...)

1. Yourself: best much room do I get?....anyway...I can sum it up in one word...PERFECT (well maybe not quite perfect...maybe more like angel-like).....I also use sarcasm as a defense mechanism..and if that doesn't work...I'll resort to making fun of makes me feel better...that's all that really matters anyway...

2. Your boyfriend/spouse: had a personality disorder and is no longer around...(disorder: got on my nerves one to many times)

3. Your hair: is a beautiful natural blonde (that's what it says on the box anyway)...that is more often up than down...I hate all the girly fixing my hair crap....(hey...maybe that explains the previous question concerning lack of boyfriend...maybe I should research the correlation...)

4. Your mother: is one of the strongest people I have ever met...person I would most like to be like...

5. Your father: contributed DNA

6. Your favorite item: my bed....I am so tired at this moment that I wish we could be re-united now!

7. Your dream last night: RATS!! Re-occurring....started from a book I'm reading where they chew off people's noses and toes...hate them!!

8. Your favorite drink: Smirnoff Green apple!! Goes down like water....

*9. Your dream car: a 1971 pinto...I try not to dream to big...won't make enough in the future to buy anything else.

10. The room you are in: My little room in the it night or day???

11. Your ex: is a great guy.....for someone on my nerves…

12. Your fear: dying without ever accomplishing anything with my life

13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Graduated...that would really suck if I were still doing this...

14. Who you hung out with last night(Saturday) ? M and much fun and good food that I obviously didn't cook. (it involved rice...not my area...)

15. What you're not? stupid, soft-spoken, girly, wow...too many to name......

16. Muffins: things other people make and I eat...

17. One of your wish list items: A car that has heat....only 'rich' people have such luxuries

18. Time: seems to stop when I REALLY don't want it to...

*19. The last thing you did: play with crayfish and their dirty water...too much fun for just one person....

20. What are you wearing? Jeans and t-shirt and fleece...changed it up from the usual sweatshirt...(you were expecting a skirt and cute flowered shirt???)....seriously....

21. Your favorite weather: A COLD, SNOWY WINTER....(Amen Sista....)...still waiting you bunch of weather forecast LIARS....

22. Your favorite book: ...Can't do it...but will say that I love Jane Goodall's book about Chimpanzee's in Gombe National Forest...but...Impossible to say...will go with anything by Nicholas Sparkes, James Patterson, or basically has WORDS....

23. The last thing you ate: Pepsi, Coffee..nothing else matters...get off my back...

24. Your life: Is all about ME....I Love it....Freedom...Independence...enough said....

25. Your mood: Sarcastic...serious about school stuff..use everyone else to make me laugh...irritating others is an added bonus...

26. Your best friend: Me...I understand me...I can put up with me...I enjoy talking to know the usual...besides that, there is only one other person that really knows all my deep dark secrets...he knows who he is...and he better not tell or else!

27. What are you thinking right now? How many damn questions are there? Will Robin ever figure out what the stink is in his office? Will I ever use my powers for good instead of evil? Is it lunch yet? What will I do if the world ever runs out of Pepsi? And most importantly...will someone be smart enough to invite guys to the superbowl party?

28. Your car: My beautiful baby girl. We have been through a lot. She is getting up there in years but still is my girl. She's a Toyota Tercel ('94) with over 220,000 miles but still has her get-up. I'm sorry to say the stereo is worth more than the car...but I'll never tell her that.

29. What are you doing at the moment? Writing this, trying to avoid eye contact with Robin to make him think I am working hard.

30. Your summer: We have people take vacations? When are these so called summers???? I can be found in the lab during those warmer days....I know..try not to be envious!

31. Your relationship status: Single and loving it. My Remote, My Couch, My bed....Haaaaaaa

32. What is on your TV? Well I have three channels, so nothing worth watching....therefore, not usually on.

33. What is the weather like? Cold and no SNOW ....I am not you will not be happy!

34. When is the last time you laughed? At Lunch- always at mentioned...not for virgin ears..


posted by Sonya @ 1/23/2007 03:32:00 PM,


At January 26, 2007 at 2:10 PM, Blogger Sakshi said...

LOl @ Yourself: I can sum it up in one word...PERFECT



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