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The Joy of Books....

I recently had a wonderful afternoon casually browsing the many books that I have read or would like to read, at a local bookstore. Now you may think that this is just any old bookstore, but it is not. It is in fact the best bookstore ever and simply but adequetely described by the name, "Half Priced Books". I suppose now would be a good time to mention that books are my one true love (not to be confused by my one true love of animal behavior). And since I mention my love of animal behavior, it just so happens that this subject can be reserached in books. Ahhh, what a beautiful world.

Anyway, I digress. This perusing of the bountiful books reminds me of the many memorable moments some how related or wrapped up to the tens if not hundreds of books I have read over the years. Books have been such a large part of my childhood, as well as my years since that I often forget where imagination ends and reality begins.

As I remember those mornings when I would be dropped off at the library, it's hard to explain the joy and freedom that someone of twelve can experience by merely walking into a library. And eventhough that was years ago, I must confess, to this day, I feel an excitement and overwhelming feeling every time I enter a library or bookstore. It as if the knowledge surrounds you and almost covers you like a blanket just waiting to tell the many stories dying to get out.

The funny thing is, that after reading so many books and having a vivid imagination, it is often sometimes hard to separate memories from scenes acted out in my imagination while reading one of my favorite books. Its almost as if the time in which you are immersed in their lives through words on the paper, you are truly that person, feeling and seeing what they feel and see. I suppose this reason alone makes me unable to relate to others that do not read often or at all. I am unable to comprehend why you would rather watch something than read something with so much more detail and feeling than one can possibly imagine.

So even now, I sit here and remember all those favorite books that I have read over and over again, remembering those moments where I felt triumph and sadness like my life was being played out before my eyes.

So when you ask what I would like to do, just remember, I could never feel more at home than I do in a bookstore or in a library with so much adventure and drama waiting to be explored with every page....

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posted by Sonya @ 8/06/2007 08:00:00 PM,


At August 6, 2007 at 9:20 PM, Blogger Just Simple said...

You just echoed my sentiments.

I hate shopping but somehow in a bookstores, I feel at home. I had so many visions, experiences, pleasure etc only because of books. I liked the saying 'One can travel the world only by reading books without even moving an inch.'


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