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The Visit....

Dear You,

The day has come and gone. My friend has left. I can only describe that I am sad. The days while she was here made life shift back to its rightful place. But upon leaving, all has gone the other way once more. She leaves a hole here in Kentucky. The laughter has died as well as the excitement of doing nothing at all significant and enjoying every moment. I miss my friend.

Once again sad in Kentucky


posted by Sonya @ 4/02/2008 10:19:00 AM, ,

My Best Friend.....

As I lay in bed I replay parts of our conversation. He understands me. He allowed me to be the dreamer that I have always been. He understood these dreams were more than passing thoughts and were what got me up everyday and pushed me to be a better person.

Over the years we have had many of these same conversations. It all started so many years ago...somewhere around 12 years ago. Almost a lifetime ago. I remember telling him my dreams and hopes for the future. Pouring out my passion for life and animals and all the things that I hope to accomplish. He encouraged and told me I could do it. He told me that there was no ceiling for me and nothing too high to reach. I remember those late night conversations like they were yesterday.

Now years later, I tell him that one of my dreams have come true. So many years ago I remember talking for hours about meeting the one person I look up to more than all the others and how I wanted to be just like her. He is happy for me. He sounds so happy you could almost forget that it wasn't his own dream.

I call him my best friend because I can be me. I have poured out my passions for so many years I cannot forget he has lived each step with me. Now, all these years later, he is still standing right beside me telling me how happy he is for me. How can one put a price on someone as great as this? You cannot, this I am sure of. This great friend is one of the few that have pushed me along and told me to remember why I am putting myself through all of this. He is also the one I turned to when things fell apart. The hours he spent reminding me of who I am are moments I could never repay. While he is so proud of me, he forgets that he is one of the reasons why I was able to be who I am today.

In addition to the support, he is one of the few that have put me back in my place when I may have become a little to above myself. He grounds me while picking me up at the same time. I love him for so many reasons and could not live without a friend like him.

Our conversation only reminds me all that we have shared and hope to share in the future. To my best friend, I say thank you and I love you very much......I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

posted by Sonya @ 4/01/2008 12:15:00 PM, ,

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