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Yes Spite.

I have those moments, maybe more than others that I wait for the opportunity to return a favor bestowed upon me. I am not proud, though I do laugh over my many little spiteful moments, that I feel the need to in some way even the score. These are not horrible things that one would notice. More just my way of standing on the sidelines and smiling at something small.

Yes, it may be petty but they asked for it. One such occasion occurred in the past. My roommate was a very interesting girl. I was living in a neighborhood where I did not fit in at all (piece of rice in the raisin box) and you could say that I stood out. Well, my dear roommate liked to point out how I wasn't and had never dated a raisin. This really made me popular in the neighborhood. Along with the many uncomfortable comments by my dear roommate, I also came to realise that she had been stealing from me (money, parking pass, etc.). I confronted her, we had our fights, she blocked all my calls and forgot to tell when my friends and family called. This lead to more fights, more drama and I was getting nowhere. Thus, life was pretty unbearable. But, dear stupid roommate made a very careless error. She was stupid enough to date multiple guys while still having a boyfriend from where she was from. Yes, the golden ticket.

The dilemma, how to 'accidentally' set the trap. The idea came just out of nowhere at the right moment, with the fateful phone call. Said roommate was not home one afternoon and boyfriend called. I nicely asked each of guys names that she was currently dating, trying innocently to identify the caller. Oh yes, score one for the good guys.

As you can imagine this sparked some fights, between said boyfriend and her, and of course between her and I. But, luckily being the mature person that I am, OK...well maybe not, tried to keep the peace but hide my things. We spent many more months like this, with her still being the same and doing the same things and me being angry over the drama. Weeks later we were in the same position as earlier and she had a whole new group of guys. This is where things became interesting, golden ticket number 2. Will she never learn?

While said roommate was out, a few of the boys called to see if she was home. I kindly explained that she would be back soon and told them (yes, all of them) that she said that they should feel free to stop over around 6 to see her. I was so surprised (and so was she) when 5 of her men all showed up. The funny part is that they showed up one by one and didn't know what to say or do so they just all came in, sat and watched TV together. No one talked. Now, that was an awkward evening (for her and them...obviously not me!). I sat out there with them and smiled, trying to carry on polite conversation. They were so rude!

So, as you can see, I tend not to scream, yell and carrying on with the drama. I feel that one should sit back and view the situation to find the best solution. I am sure there is a prophet or something out there somewhere that would suggest this very thing. I am sure this is what they meant.


posted by Sonya @ 9/26/2007 09:16:00 AM,


At September 26, 2007 at 2:07 PM, Blogger Rob McLean said...

Was living there better than your next place with the cock roaches, the guy who thought he was Lance Armstrong, the hairyroomate, the roaches, the crazy roomate, and the roaches?

Was the post a couple back about the 2 letters aimed at me? :( Sorry if I'm a little vain and think it is, but I'm 90% sure it was.

At September 26, 2007 at 3:30 PM, Blogger Sonya said...

@rob mclean - I would have to concede your point on the next place that I lived. Although life was interesting with lance armstrong (cause of the roaches...dirty, dirty little man), as well as the crazy roommate that believed that catholics normally had anal sex to save their virginity for marriage and of course, the emotional troll who cried because she couldn't get a was tiresome. Given the choice to do all over again...I would have chosen the uncomfortable situation and by passed the roaches and nutcases.

As for the letter...Yes, you are vain and No it was not directed at you. It was actually directed at my older sister. I'm sure you remember my wonderful, dear older sister. She had finally crossed the line and all the hurtful comments were for her...sorry to burst your bubble, go with the 10%. The second letter was from an ex-boyfriend that I had told the night before that we were over and and I was moving away to another life.

At September 26, 2007 at 6:06 PM, Blogger Rob McLean said...

I forgot to add, since this is your blog and other people read it, that the roaches in the pigsty were not your fault.

I was thinking on the drive home that I couldn't have been that bad, so the 1st letter wasn't directed at me. Timing has never been one of my strengths and I never listen to the 10% (it's a democracy in there).

I always found your family a wash. Your mom, Marty, and Sarah were the best; while your older sister, dad and that whole mess was a nightmare.

At September 27, 2007 at 8:28 AM, Blogger Sonya said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At September 27, 2007 at 8:34 AM, Blogger Sonya said...

@ Rob -- So true about the family..seems nothing has changed in the years since we last talked.

Looking back at that comment, I can see how you would think that it applies to you. It's amazing that it was so many years ago. I haven't thought about that in a really long time. The second letter was from Travis. After fighting for many months and me telling him I wasn't happy anymore, he finally saw the things I pointed out over and over again. Talking about feelings was difficult for him and I know the letter admitting past wrongs was hard for him.


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