Tuesday, September 25, 2007
You can never really tell with family. To be honest, I don't think that I could pick a larger group of people that don't know who I am at all. Something has to be said about the miracle that I can be in room full of people that are all related to me....and yet aside from my mom and little sister...not a single one really knows who I am. Granted...I may not be an open book about everything. However, if there is one thing you should know about me, it should definitely be what I love above everything else. Seriously, take a guess at what I have dedicated most of my life to. Go on...go with the obvious!!
OK, there may be many of you out there that are still skeptical, so let me give you a few examples of what some immediate family members think I am doing with my life.
Bachelors Degree:
By paternal parentage
"She loves animals...and she's been in school for a long time...She wants to help animals and talk to them. I'm sure she's going to be a pet psychiatrist....she really wants to understand them!"
Older sibling
"Who knows...she just goes to school...she thinks she so smart...she wants to be a veterinarian or something".
Master's Degree:
By paternal parentage
"Well, she's back in school...and she really wants to be one of those little biologists." After confusion by the other, he explained. "You know...something with animals and stuff...I can't really remember the name....oh yea....a microbiologist!"
By older sibling
"I thought she what is she doing?...Shouldn't she have graduated by now?" (She went to my graduation!)
FYI. No, I am not wanting to be a pet psychiatrist (nor did I ever), or a microbiologist (don't do anything with bacteria) or a veterinarian (think that was in the 5th grade). To date, I like the physiological aspect of animal behavior. So, if you run into my family members, please kindly explain what this means. Promise it will be an enlightening experience (for you!).
So, can't wait to hear what they have planned for me now!
posted by Sonya @ 9/25/2007 10:13:00 AM,
- At September 26, 2007 at 2:08 AM, said...
So you study why the crayfush do the things that they do? Isnt that psycology?