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50 Things You Didn't Know About Me....

In speaking with Sakshi, I have decided to also add the 50 things you may not know about me. There are some of those out there which may know most, but probably not all. So here it goes...

1. Many of you may find this hard to believe, but as a child and even through high school, I was shy. I couldn't just walk up to people and talk to them.

2. I love animals more than people. I know many people say that they do, but I really do. All animals, in all environments.

3. I wanted to be a wildlife Biologist more than anything growing up. I always saw myself in the future living like Jane Goodall. She was and really still is my role model for scientific women.

4. I cry. Contrary to popular belief...I do have emotions and I do cry when the mood strikes me.

5. I cannot in any way walk into an animal shelter and walk without an animal (or an arm load). If I have to...the crying part kicks in.

6. I stole when I was in high school. I stole 12 kittens that were going to be put to sleep. I couldn't help it. So mom, those cats we had...they were illegal. And yes of those of you wondering....there were things moving under my shirt. Who's says you can't smuggle things by putting them under your shirt.

7. I value a sense of humor over intelligence. I always thought I had to have a very intelligent guy with an OK sense of humor to be happy. I was wrong. He has to be funny. If he's not, it doesn't matter how smart he is....I won't like him. I like tall men that are not really skinny. I like a man that walks with confidence and knows who he is. I do not like mousy guys.

8. The guy I marry (if that ever happens at all) has to be able to dance. I love dancing.

9. When I can't sleep at night...I lay in bed thinking about all the things that I have given up and all the things that I want out of my future.

10. I have a best friend that knows me very well and knows all my deep dark secrets. He often holds them over my head...and that is OK with me.

11. I actually feel guilty about this one.....I have stolen another girls boyfriend and then dumped him. I was young and didn't like the girl. Now, I actually feel bad for her and would hate a girl like me.

12. I dumped the same guy more than 30 times. He was a bit of a door mat, but that still wasn't right.

13. I used to duct tape my clothes when they got a rip because I couldn't sew. I never learned and still haven't. I was always into the quick fix and worry about it later. I then got smarter and learned that stapling worked much better. It lasted through the washings much longer.

14. When I was in grade school, I feared role call the most. I hated it when the teacher called out my name wrong and everyone would laugh at me and make fun of my last name.

15. I have a sock problem. I have to have clean socks and never wear a dirty pair twice. EVER!

16. During childhood, I didn't like my older sister. She was mean and a spiteful person and we were never close.

17. I have a sense of humor that most people don't get. I like that.

18. I like it when other people are uncomfortable around me.

19. My biggest fear: Being stupid

20. My biggest goal: Standing in front full of students and saying "Hi, I'm Dr..... and will be your professor this semester".

21. I do not make friends very easily. I am extremely faithful to the ones that I have and would do anything for them, but once the stab me in the will never be the same. I value good friendships.

22. I don't trust easily. I will test and retest until I am confident that person can be trusted. Once the trust is broken....I can no longer be friends or in a relationship with that person

23. I want to live in the mountains, far away from everyone else. I like seclusion.

24. Going fast scares me. I am terrified of not being able to control what could happen.

25. I love running through the woods. I find peace sitting in the woods doing absolutely nothing.

26. I like to swim, but I am afraid of what could be under the water. It is the unknown that scares me.

27. After my first real kiss, I threw up. It was disgusting. I didn't kiss again for over a year.

28. When I cats put their ears back and scream like they do when the fire alarm goes off.

29. I walk my cat on a leash.

30. I can't watch movies that have anything about ghosts in it. I get so scared I have to sleep with all the lights on for days.

31. I don't know how to relate to people who are lazy. I have no patience and find myself wanting to scream at them. I cannot work with them at all.

32. I have patience for people who work hard but just aren't able to do well. I can work with them and have all the patience in the world.

33. I can't deal with emotional people. I don't know how to relate to girls that have to have a guy. I can't comprehend the neediness that they feel.

34. I hate for strangers to touch me. I am very uncomfortable with people I don't know hugging me or touching me. Unless I instigate it, I don't really like to be touched at all (except when dancing....then I couldn't care less).

35. I believe you should laugh everyday. I also believe laughter can make any situation better.

36. If something has happened and I make fun of means I am over it. If I cannot joke about is still a touchy subject. Making fun of it is my way of dealing with the pain.

37. I love science. I love Biology. I think about them everyday and most minutes of every day. I couldn't not imagine my life without science. Animal Behavior is my passion. It has been since I was very young and it has not waned since. This is who I am.

38. I like cream corn. I like corn on the cob...I HATE whole kernel corn.

39. I would love to sky diving....If I didn't have to jump out of a plane. That would never be possible.

40. The first time I had to speak in front of a crowd....I almost peed my pants. I had to squeeze my legs shut.

41. I want to travel the world, see all countries.. learn about other cultures and finally live in Alaska.

42. I want to spend a couple of weeks in a rain forest. I want to sit among all the creatures and just watch them without being rushed.

43. My biggest dream: Sitting atop the canopy in a rain forest, high in the mountains.

44. I want to travel to Madagascar and see the ring-tailed lemurs before they go extinct.

45. Children make me uncomfortable. I hate it when their noses run and they slobber all over the place. That grosses me out and I don't want them to touch me.

46. I believe that the government does not care about the average person...they only care about people with money. When people say they care....I never believe them.

47. I don't understand people who don't get an education. The unknown with no skills scares me, so I don't understand people who are willing to be at a disadvantage to so many other people.

48. I hate arrogance. Those are the types of people that I target to knock them back down to the level of everyone else. I make it my agenda to prove them wrong and embarrass them.

49. I can stand in a crowded room and feel more alone when I am sitting at home by myself. I hate large crowds where I do not know most of the people.

50. I am who I am....I say what I think....and I have no problem standing against a room full of people if that is what I believe in. I often get along best with other people who speak thier mind and know exactly who they are (you know who you are). I am strong willed and very independent. I do not like to follow....

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posted by Sonya @ 4/19/2007 11:31:00 AM,


At April 19, 2007 at 12:46 PM, Blogger Sakshi said...

There are quite a few things we have in common.. who would have guessed!
I think I am sorting the tall, not so thin guys out who can dance for you..
And LMAO on #28 :P
"I then got smarter and learned that stapling worked much better."
You said it sistah!!
"Going fast scares me."
Now I know why you clutch the door when you ride in the car with me :)
"I often get along best with other bitchy people (you know who you are)."
We sure do!!

At April 19, 2007 at 12:52 PM, Blogger Sonya said...

@ Sakshi --
"Stapling works better"
Thought you might understand the deficiencies I might have in the homecare area.

Thank you for the sorting process you are working on. I figured the dancers would stand out in your crowd...please pass.

As for the bitchy really???? Never would have guessed (as she exagerates her wink in your direction)

"Going fast scares me"
Now you understand the death grip on the door handle and the closing my eyes towards the brake lights coming closer, and closer and closer until you skid in sideways and stop inches from the bumper of the car in front of you.


At April 19, 2007 at 12:54 PM, Blogger Sakshi said...

Hey, you complain if I start braking 50 ft away.. complain when I stop just an inch of the white line.. I am still working on the happy medium..
at least, you dont pray to all the billion gods...

At April 19, 2007 at 12:57 PM, Blogger Sonya said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At April 19, 2007 at 12:59 PM, Blogger Sonya said...

Hey...I'm not's my version of gambling.... will I survive...will I get a concusion...or will it just be a wild ride....who knows!!!! That is my way of living on the complaints here. I would be stepping on your gas pedal if you were stopping 50 feet from the white line (heheheh actin), wondering if we were going to get there sometime today. It's like a ride at the amusement park...only this one comes with an airbag...I have an airbag right????

At April 19, 2007 at 4:26 PM, Blogger Sakshi said...

Err. I drive a cheap car, what do you think??

At April 20, 2007 at 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sonya nice write up. Though I have interacted so little with you amazingly I know a few of them. Stole a girls boyfriend because u didn't like her....way to go.
Stapling works better...hahahha

At April 20, 2007 at 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You seem to have a lot of anger. You need to relax. Why do you have to justify who you are, just be yourself.

The Phantom

At April 22, 2007 at 10:48 AM, Blogger Sonya said...

@Phantom - anger...not what you think....and for the being who I am....that my friend, is inevitable. There is no other way that I could be. I don't justify who I am, I am explaining the type of person that I know I am. Some spend thier whole lives trying to figure out who they are...not the case here.


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