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My Friends

There are friends that come and go. We have all had them and all lost them. And then there are the friends you know you want for a lifetime. I have those friends. I know this because I get excited months in advance when we plan to meet and feel a lonely loss months after it has passed. With these friends I can be me. I do not pretend to be someone else or refrain from saying what I like. This is most important. I can be me and they can be them and we can laugh until the tears roll down our faces. I miss them. I miss the comfort of saying nothing and I miss the laughs that keep us smiling for hours.

So to my friends, thanks for more memories and I can't wait until we make some more. Stay safe over the long distances that separate us.


posted by Sonya @ 3/25/2009 10:22:00 AM,


At March 25, 2009 at 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too many more happy days together!

At March 25, 2009 at 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, I hope our times together keep on coming and that we make more and more unforgettable memories of these times together. Take care!


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